The Last Day of 2020

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Wow, another year has gone by. And what a year, huh?

I know I said I wanted to do something about this blog this year, though I’ve failed to take any action. I guess the task just looks too big, and there was always something more pressing that drew my attention. I really wonder how I found the time back in 2017 to write posts so diligently?

Starting over is always easier, and that’s sort of what I did on the new blog I mentioned last year. Still, I think I’d like to keep a more formal blog more like this one again. One that’s less of a journal, less of a log, more focused on content. It’s a bit ironic, considering this post would fall into that category of being “like a journal”.

Last year I was thinking of switching to Ghost. Now, I don’t know. I am also considering switching to a static site generator. I might end up remaining on WordPress.

However, I’m going to have to do something about the comments system. Disqus is not for me. I’ve become more cautious about privacy.

My other blog would likely remain where it is. I’ve continued with learning Korean this past year, and there are things I’d like to extract and post in a form similar to what I used to do. That is, as different topics, instead of being grouped by lesson the way they are on the new blog.

Well, who knows. Even as I write this, I’ve not decided to schedule a proper time for writing these posts. I know that if I don’t, it will never get done.

At any rate, since it’s New Year’s Eve, I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year! May 2021 be a better year. 🙂

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