Transgression – 1 Timothy 2:14

posted in: German, German Vocabulary, Verses | 0

1 Timothy 2:14 - Übertretung - transgression

die Übertretung – transgression

IPA: [ˌyːbɐˈtʀeːtʊŋ] 1. Timotheus 2,14 und Adam wurde nicht betrogen, das Weib aber wurde betrogen und fiel in Übertretung.

1 Timothy 2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

Last week’s post was on the first part of 1 Timothy 2:14.

This week’s word is taken from the second part.

First, it might be good to point out that the second part of the verse (“… was in the transgression”) can also be translated as: came to be in the transgression or fell into transgression.

That is, it is a statement of fact, of what happened during the fall, rather than the blame-inducing connotation that I get from reading “was in the transgression”.
This brings us to second reason of why women ought not to usurp authority over a man: Not following the divine pattern puts men and women in a more vulnerable position and leads to transgression.

(The first reason, discussed last week, was that it is God’s design.)
This is evidenced by the negative example of the fall, as recorded in Genesis 3.
It tells us what goes wrong when we do not follow God’s way.

God knows all, and He not only knows what is best for us, He also wants what is best for us.

When we insist to walk according to our own ways, that is, the ways of the flesh, we are being fools.

I think it’s something like a parent telling the child not to do something for their own safety (e.g. jumping on the bed), but the child doesn’t understand the danger and does it anyway because it is fun.

For this second reason, we should not draw conclusions based on our own assumptions. The point isn’t that man is undeceivable or woman is more deceivable.

The Bible doesn’t say that, and it would be incorrect to draw such conclusions.

Next week’s post will be on the first part of verse 15.

This is part of series of words taken from 1 Timothy 2:11-15. I recently studied these verses in detail as they were something that I shared during Sunday School just a few weeks ago. I thought I could do something slightly different.

Many of the ideas were taken from the messages by John Piper on these verses: Manhood, Womanhood, and the Freedom to Minister and Affirming the Goodness of Manhood and Womanhood in All of Life, as well as the article How Are Women Saved Through Childbearing?

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