Foundation – Psalm 87:1

posted in: German, German Vocabulary, Verses | 0

Psalm 87:1

die Gründung (pl. Gründungen) – foundation

IPA: [ˈɡʀʏndʊŋ]

According to Wiktionary, this word has its roots in the verb gründen. I’ve found the definition of gründen from Duden more meaningful, so I will be using that instead:

für etwas eine andere Sache als Grundlage, Voraussetzung, Stütze benutzen; auf etwas aufbauen, mit etwas untermauern.

To use something else as the basis, requirement, structure for something; to build on something, to support (underpin) with something.

Psalm 87,1 Seine Gründung ist auf den Bergen der Heiligkeit;

Psalms 87:1 His foundation is in the holy mountains.

When I chose this word, I was thinking about a firm foundation we have in God, and also about the foundation of the world.

But I soon realised that the word as used in this verse is also about what God has founded – Zion.

Zion is God’s dwelling place on earth. The mountains referred to is Mount Zion in Jerusalem, where the temple stood.

I read in Matthew Henry’s commentary to learn more about this verse, as I found that I really didn’t understand it all that well.

He says that Zion is a picture of the church. The church has its foundation in Christ.

The foundation being on the mountains speaks of a solid foundation, and is contrasted to the unstable world that is built on water (Psalms 24:1-2):

The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.

Jehovas ist die Erde und ihre Fülle, der Erdkreis und die darauf wohnen. Denn er, er hat sie gegründet über Meeren, und über Strömen sie festgestellt.

But more than that, they are holy mountains, and holiness that is the strength of the church.

The quality of holiness is really what matters here.

It got me thinking about holiness, and what it means, both in terms of significance but also the intention behind the word.

The biblical definition is rather different from the usual conventional impression that is associated with that word.

I will likely study more about holiness and in the future I might write about it.

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