der Lohn (pl. Löhne) – wage, due
IPA: [loːn]
übertragen: Konsequenz oder Resultat einer Handlung.
Figuratively: A consequence or a result of an action.
[Source: Wiktionary]
Römer 6,23 Denn der Lohn der Sünde ist der Tod, die Gnadengabe Gottes aber ewiges Leben in Christo Jesu, unserem Herrn.
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Other Vocabulary
- die Sünde – sin, evil, transgression
- die Gnadengabe – gift of grace
- ewig – eternal, immortal, perpetual
I like how in German, the word Gnadengabe is used, that emphasises that the gift is the grace of God. This isn’t in the English translation, though we can read elsewhere and learn that.
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